Thursday, April 18, 2013


    1984 by George Orwell was first published in 1949. This story occurs in 1984. This story is told in third-person omniscient as told by George Orwell, the author.

    There are 3 chief characters. They are: Winston Smith, a minor member of the ruling party in London; Julia, Winston's lover, a girl who works at the Ministry of Truth; and O'Brien, also known as "big brother", a powerful member of the Inner Party.

    It starts off, Winston Smith is low-ranking member of the ruling party in London. Winston gets frustrated because the ruling party makes it illegal to do or think of anything rebellious. Then Julia tells Winston she loves him. Then O'Brien captures, tortures, and brainwashes Winston. For example almost feeding him to rats. Then Winston figures out that all O'Brien wants if for Winston to give up Julia. Then Winston gives up on Julia, accepts the ruling party, and learns to love O'Brien (as a big brother).

    George Orwell appears to be subjective. Because all he was doing was telling what happened. Also because he was trying to prove a point.

   This book caused only a few emotions in me. I had empathy for Winston when he was getting tortured. I was also made more aware of the world, because of how the ruling party wanted their place to be safe from things that can be harmful. The characters in the story seemed believable. I couldn't relate to them because I haven't had to made big decisions like they did. I especially liked O'Brien because he did many big things just to explain one little thing. This story is out-dated because our world didn't end up like anything like the story's world did.

Make sure to check out my Animoto video.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Video doesn't illuminate the subject of the book at all.
    And "subjective" means trying to make a point. "objective" is to just tell a story.
