Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Animal Farm

    Animal Farm by George Orwell was first published in 1946. This story occurs during the Soviet Union. This story is told in third-person omniscient as told by George Orwell, the author.

    There are 5 chief characters. They are Mr. Jones, the farmer; Old Major, a wise pig with a vision; Napoleon, the chief of the animals; Boxer, a hardworking and loyal horse; and Benjamin, a cynical old donkey.

    The story begins when all the animals gather together to hear what Old Major has to say. He talks about how they have a cruel life and they rebel against the farmer. Then Old Major dies. After that they all rebel against the farmer and it works. When the animals have taken over the pigs become the leaders because they're the most intelligent. Then Napoleon becomes the head of all because he has 9 ferocious dogs with him. In the end the animals figure out that they went to the same problem they tried to stop.

    The author appeared to be objective because it looked like he never gave his opinion. Since it the story was third-person he could never explain his opinion.

    This book caused me to feel just a few emotions. I felt ironical at the end because they noticed everything they rebelled against just happened again.  I was also more aware of human nature when Napoleon took control. The characters in the story seemed believable. I could relate to them because most try to get to the top in control. I especially liked Napoleon because he was clever enough to trick the animals into working for him. This story will be outdated because not that many people know about the Soviet Union because they didn't read the book.

Check out my video Animoto


  1. Great Blog but short and your animoto video felt like the themes weren't expressed very well it was also short

  2. Kobe you're blog was short and the video was 20 seconds long! Oh wait, it was! I put * out of 5 stars!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Here is a link to the BEST blog

  5. this is the best book report I've
    ever seen
